North Dry Rocks / Minnow Cave


Fast Facts:

  • Average Depth:  10 ft. / 3 m
  • Max Depth: 15 ft. / 5 m


  • Coral Reef
  • Mooring Buoys
  • Caves or Caverns
  • Good Snorkeling
  • Marine Preserve

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Minnow Cave is one of the best-known coral caves in the Florida Keys, and is home to many of the namesake species. The cave is part of the Northern Dry Rocks, which is a shallow reef with depths up to fifteen feet. The reef is smaller than the Key Largo Dry Rocks but offers everything except for the well-known Christ of the Deep statue. However, divers may prefer this site if they are not particularly interested in the statue and are looking for a less populated location.

The filtered sunlight and shallow depth also makes this a great spot for snorkeling. Divers at this site will be amazed by the slick movements of the glass minnows that hover around the opening to the cave. Groupers and great barracuda are also commonly seen here. Divers who choose to explore crevices will find Florida’s spiny lobster hiding away. This is a great dive for those looking to avoid heavy traffic but still experience a beautiful location.

The reef is marked off by three mooring buoys with the letter “N” inscribed upon them. This area contains a .05 square nautical mile Sanctuary Preservation Area (SPA) which is marked by yellow buoys.

Waypoint: DRYROCLatitudeLongitude
Degrees/MinutesN 25 7.840W 80 17.660
Degrees/Minutes/SecondsN 25 7 50.400W 80 17 39.600

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