Category: Wilmington
Fast Facts: Features: Need Gear? Download all Wilmington GPS Coordinates The Danish freighter, Normannia, served less than thirty years before meeting its demise on the Frying Pan Shoals forty miles offshore of southern North Carolina. On the night of January 16, 1924, the Normannia encountered a fierce southeastern gale. She began to take on water…
Fast Facts: Features: Need Gear? Download all Wilmington GPS Coordinates The Markham is a US Army Corps of Engineers dredge that was sunk in the Artificial Reef area AR-386 close to the Hyde dredge. The dredge is 320 feet in length and lies inverted on its port side. The starboard prop, strut and rudder are…
Fast Facts: Features: Need Gear? Download all Wilmington GPS Coordinates The Hyde served as a dredge with the US Army Corps of Engineers in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam War. In May of 1988, the 215-foot Hyde was deployed by the NC Department of Marine Fisheries in AR-386 located about 15 miles off…