The Spar was a working ship and served from Portsmouth, NH, to northeastern Maine maintaining navigational aids, supporting seven lighthouses and performing ice-breaking operations. Spar was decommissioned in 1997 and transferred to the Northeastern Maritime Historical Foundation. The ship was stripped of anything that could be used as a spare part or included in the Foundation’s museum ship, the Bramble. The hull was then sold for use as an artificial reef.
The 183-foot Coast Guard buoy tender was deployed in June 2004 in the Carteret County Sportfishing Artificial Reef (AR-305). The Spar lies just over 20 miles from the Beaufort Inlet sea buoy, approximately 30 miles offshore of Morehead City. The tender rests in just over 100 feet of water. The Aeolus, sunk in 1986, is about 300 yards from the Spar.
Shortly after its sinking fish and other marine life began to cover the wreck. Sand tiger sharks have been spotted frequenting the wreck and surrounding area. Southern sting rays and eagle rays have also been spotted on the Spar.

Waypoint: SPAR | Latitude | Longitude |
Degrees | 34.2777166666667 | -76.64475 |
Degrees/Minutes | N 34 16.663 | W 76 38.685 |
Degrees/Minutes/Seconds | N 34 16 39.780 | W 76 38 41.100 |
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